Eligibility for Inspection
- Permanent ACPS registration
- Conforms to ACPS/ICCPS breed standard
- Minimum 2 years old, 3 years if stallion
- Credible proof of pony's height at age 2
All Connemara ponies, domestic or imported, with an ACPS permanent purebred registration are eligible for inspection. Connemara ponies presented for ACPS inspection should conform in type and conformation to the ACPS/ICCPS breed standard. The minimum age for eligible ponies is two-years-old, and it is recommended that stallions be at least three-years-old.

Thinking of having your Connemara inspected? Learn if your pony qualifies, what inspectors are looking for, how to present your pony, and about the premium mares and stallions program.
Inspection Team
The Inspection Team consists of knowledgeable individuals with a particular interest in and ability to recognize Connemara type and correct conformation.

Inspection Sites
If you have ponies to be inspected, contact your Regional Chairs, Regional Governors, or the Chair of the Inspections Committee. When a large enough group of ponies are nominated for one location (10+), an inspection site is created.
Inspections are scheduled at intervals relative to the Connemara pony population in the United States. The Inspection Committee plans inspections, usually scheduled for late summer or fall, often, but not always, in association with regional events.