About Connemara Registration
The ACPS maintains Stud Books for registry of purebred and half-bred Connemara foals born in the United States, as well as a Connemara Sport Horse Registry for part-bred Connemaras.

- Both sire and dam are registered purebreds.
- DNA sampled and results on file with secretary.
- At least one parent is a registered purebred.
- DNA sampled and results on file with secretary.
- Signed Stallion Certificate or mare's registered name and number.
Sport Horses
- Offspring of Halfbred Stallion x Halfbred Mare, one or both parents must be registered
- Offspring of Halfbred Stallion or Halfbred Mare x non-Connemara, the Halfbred parent must be registered
- No less than 1/4 Connemara
- DNA sampled and results on file with secretary.
Breeding Stallions
- At least 2 years of age.
- DNA sampled and results on file with secretary.
- Hoof Wall Separation Disease (HWSD) results on file with secretary.
- Free of all visible inheritable abnormalities with signed Veterinarian Certificate.
- Registration must be complete before offspring are eligible for registration.
Imported Stallions
- At least 2 years of age.
- DNA sampled and results on file with secretary.
- Hoof Wall Separation Disease (HWSD) results on file with secretary.
Breeding Mares
- Hoof Wall Separation Disease (HWSD) results on file with secretary.
- Registration must be complete before offspring are eligible for registration.
Registered Names
- Not more than 30 characters long, cannot be repeated.
- Identical names can be reused after 20 years or if accompanied with prefix or suffix, preferable a farm name.
Breeding Requirements
The Breeder of Record is the person who owns the mare at the time of service. If a mare is being leased for breeding, the person leasing the mare is listed as the breeder.
Artificial Insemination
- Certificate signed by vet or tech who inseminated the mare.
- One stallion per breeding season unless Mare has thorough exam and ultrasound by vet. Negative results must be on file with secretary.
Live Cover
- Stallion Service Certificate signed by the owner of the stallion.
- One stallion per breeding season unless Mare has thorough exam and ultrasound by vet. Negative results must be on file with secretary.
Semen Collection
- May be transported frozen or fresh.
- Signed Stallion Collection form by Vet or trained tech and stallion owner on file with secretary.
- Completed mare recipient receipt copies retained by stallion owner and mare owner.
Embryo Transplant
- Multiple embryos can be flushed from one mare
- All resulting foals are eligible for registration pending parentage testing.
- At the ACPS discretion, owner or lessee will have pedigree of the foal verified by DNA testing. The foal, sire, and donor mare, will be tested as necessary.
To make sure your application is ready to process, the following should be in order:
- Name with no more than 30 characters including spaces, apostrophe, farm prefix
- Foaling date recorded
- Marked gelding (If applicable - a permanent certificate will be issued)
- Gelding date recorded (if applicable)
- Inspection Form completed by a Veterinarian certifying there are no unacceptable inheritable traits (stallions only)
- Signed stallion service certificate with breeding dates
- Hoof Wall Separation Disease results attached or on file for both sire and dam
- DNA sample for each foal and adult that has not been registered before. Hair kit will be sent when application is received.
- Microchip number from DNA sample
- Registration fees attached. Checks or cash only.
Pay to:
American Connemara Pony Society
PO Box 100, Middlebrook, VA 24459
Temporary Foal Certificate
- The temporary foal certificate (TFC) registration application is completed as soon as possible after the foal's birth.
- Signed Stallion Service Certificate, Stallion Slip, or AI certificate are included with application.
- All TFC paperwork is sent to ACPS office with fees.
- A DNA kit is sent to owner/breeder
- If necessary, foal has HWSD test.
- Owner returns DNA kit with mane or tail hairs to lab and HWSD results are sent to ACPS secretary.
- A microchip number is assigned and recorded at the lab, secretary's office, and on the certificate.
- TFC and microchip are sent to the owner.
- Vet inserts microchip in pony's neck. Vet and owner sign microchip insertion slip.
ACPS Registration Fees ACPS Member fees listed – Fees double for non-members
- DNA Test
- Microchip
- USEF Lifetime Number
Within 6 Months of Foaling
Within 6 Month of Foaling $125
Over 6 Months $150
A two-step registration system. The TFC is issued for the first two years of the purebred’s life. At rising 3 yrs, the TFC is returned to the Registrar with updated color, size, proof of gelding, markings changes, and the Permanent Registration certificate is issued. Each Connemara has one permanent certificate for life – with transfers recorded on the reverse side of the certificate.
Use the TFC application form and check the box “Permanent without TFC.”
Includes the inability to provide the required paperwork due to:
- Death or incapacity of a required signer
- Inability to locate a required signer
Proof of parentage will not be waived. You must make a diligent effort to locate the required signer and disclose their process and findings to the Board of Directors.
ACPS Registration Fees ACPS Member fees listed – Fees double for non-members
Purebred Permanent Registration
With Temp. Foal Cert $30
Without TFC $185
Stallions 2 yrs with TFC $250
( Requires HWSD & Vet Cert)
Stallions 3 yrs. and older $500
Requires Vet Cert, HWSD test, DNA sample, and Microchip – all included in the price
Halfbred Permanent Registration
A one-step registration system. A Permanent Registration certificate is issued for any equine that has one purebred parent (sire or dam). If the sire is a purebred Connemara, a stallion service certificate is required, signed by the stallion owner. If the dam is a purebred Connemara, the mare’s registered name and number are required.
Use the TFC application form and check the box “Permanent without TFC.”
Includes the inability to provide the required paperwork due to:
- Death or incapacity of a required signer
- Inability to locate a required signer
Proof of parentage will not be waived. You must make a diligent effort to locate the required signer and disclose their process and findings to the Board of Directors.
ACPS Registration Fees ACPS Member fees listed – Fees double for non-members
Halfbred Mare or Gelding
Receives microchip, DNA test if out of or by a Hoof Wall Disease carrier, USEF Lifetime Recording number, permanent registration certificate.
Up to 6 months $125
After 6 months $150
Halfbred Colt
Receives same as above except a Temporary Foal Certificate is issued until proof of gelding is sent to office (copy of vet bill). A permanent certificate will be issued. (no additional charge)
Up to 6 months $125
After 6 months $150
Halfbred Stallion
Requires Vet cert, HWSD test, DNA sample, and Microchip – all
included in price
Connemara Sport Horse
A one-step registration system. A Permanent Registration certificate is issued for the Connemara Sport Horse which is described as no less than one-quarter Connemara. A stallion service certificate is required if sired by a Halfbred Connemara Stallion. If the dam of the Connemara Sport Horse is a halfbred Connemara, her registered name and registration number are required. Those eligible for Connemara Sport Horse certificates are the result of breeding a Registered Halfbred to a Registered Halfbred or Registered Halfbred to a Non-Connemara.
ACPS Registration Fees ACPS Member fees listed – Fees double for non-members
Up to 6 months $125
After 6 months $150
Connemara Sport Horse Mare
If by or out of a Hoof Wall carrier, must be Hoof Wall tested.
Connemara Sport Horse Colts
Receive a temporary foal certificate until proof of gelding is sent to office (copy of vet bill). A permanent registration certificate will be issued.
Records and protects farm prefix.
- Send farm name, address, owner, and prefix to secretary with one-time fee.
- Receive certificate of registration
Members $100
Non-Members N/A
Ownership Transfer
- Responsibility of the seller after full payment is received.
- Seller is encouraged to buy an Associate membership for the new buyer.
- Transfer form is on the reverse of the official registration certificate.
- Record name of seller.
- Record new owner name and address.
- Record date of sale.
- Record color and height.
- Seller signs and sends registration certificate to secretary.
- Secretary signs certificate, records transfer, and sends certificate to the new owner.
- Transfers are published in the American Connemara Magazine.
Imported Transfers
- Responsibility of the seller after full payment is received.
- Seller is encouraged to buy an Associate membership for the new buyer.
Under 1 Year Old
- Send foreign TFC to secretary with fee.
- Secretary will complete ACPS TFC and return foreign TFC.
Over 2 Years Old
- Send copy of pony's first and center pages of passport or registration documents to secretary with fee.
Within 30 Days of Sale
Members $30
Non-Members $60
After 30 Days of Sale
Members $35
Non-Members $70
Imported Connemaras
Members $30
Non-Members $60
Other Fees
Name Change
No form, send original papers. Registered farm prefixes must be retained with the name.
Members $100
Non-Members $200
Duplicate Certificate
Issued only to last recorded owner or to person who can provide bills of sale/paper trail of ownership.
Members $50
Non-Members $100
Members $10
Non-Members $20
DNA Test Kit $40
Extended Pedigree $20
Stud Books
I - XXX $60