Cherish the Ladies – Zoom Webinar

Cherish the Ladies – Zoom Webinar

The American Connemara Pony Society (ACPS) and the United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) are inviting you to a Zoom Webinar presentation.

“Cherish the Ladies,” presented by Caroline Nesbitt will air October 5th at 4pm EDT.

Caroline, a renowned Connemara owner, breeder, and enthusiast, traces the mares that have had a significant influence on the breed. She details the trends, some more positive than others, that have influenced our current population of Connemaras.

Please join Caroline at the link below:

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USEA Pony Of The Year

Connemara Pony Stallion Coud’Poker Tartifume, ridden and owned by Donna Miller of Georgia, is crowned the 2022 Smartpak USEA Pony of the year and awarded the Theodore