Impressive Win at USEA Event

Impressive Win at USEA Event

horse jumping xc fence
Theodora Byars and the 14-year-old Connemara mare New Moon Stella Bella. Photo credit XpressFoto

From the United States Eventing Association, Inc. (USEA)

An impressive 15.7 earned Theodora Byars and the 14-year-old Connemara mare New Moon Stella Bella (Kerrymor Madison x Old Carolina’s Bay), owned by Nicole Byars, the win in the Starter division at the Rocking Horse Winter I H.T. and the honor of being this week’s Winner’s Circle Wednesday featured pair 🤩

“This was Stella’s second show after being off for many years and having a baby,” said Theodora. “We wanted to see if she still enjoys eventing and she definitely does! We had so much fun and she was just perfect for all phases!”

Not a bad way for a horse to come back from a maternity leave if you ask us! Way to go Theodora and Stella

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